Let the party begin.

  • Event Rentals

    Our rentals include a variety of backdrops, glassware, bars, and decor. Many items are hand crafted and built by the Kate&Co team… so you are sure to have a one-of-a-kind party!

  • Charcuterie

    Hand crafted meat & cheese boards and graze tables using only the best seasonal ingredients. Both delicious and pretty.

    Private charcuterie classes available upon request.

  • Event Planning

    Whether you need a balloon garland setup or an entire party planned, we’ve got you! Party packages customized upon request.

Meet The Team

  • Tiffany Fields

    Founder & CEO (Chief Event Operator)

  • Josh Fields

    Chief Architect, Professional Taste Tester, Design Intern, Cheerleader

  • Kate Murray

    Inspiration, Milk Sommelier, Future Event Mogul

What people are saying